Toward the Long Sleep

Rambling ever onward toward the long sleep known by hibernators in the northern countryside, I am grateful for continued wakefulness, appreciating the days and hours as we have them. Grateful, giving thanks, even, for good health, for family, friends, wild creatures, and democracy while we have them.

first view, from the road

Thinking of the bear den recently dug near the house, in full view from the road, of the town crew stopping there to view the drowsy animal in the morning light, hearing the driver exclaim, “Wow, that’s one big effin bear!” I rambled down to the fellas saying, “Yeah the hole’s just been excavated. Bear is fat and lazy now and ready for the big sleep.” The guys will agree that hibernation sounds like a pretty good idea for the approaching winter. “Wouldn’t mind sleeping like that for a while, waking up occasionally to drink a beer, take a piss then hitting the hay again.” I tell them I’ll be keeping an eye out for the bear’s protection through this hunting season. Later I remind myself that taking care for the planet’s health is something anyone can do to one small degree or another (even through the times when we think it’s a lost cause) before the ultimate sleep arrives. It starts in whatever place we call our home.

Bear retreated before I arrived
what it’s all about… we had our barn roof replaced… the boss’s pup said, “don’t work too hard!”
trail cam does, “Who’s chasin’ us?”
Later… three guesses
it’s nice to wake every once in a while, for something tasty
and then rejoin the wild ones again
not to be forgotten
a favorite wild brookie run


Not blue,

but the end

finally said

before sleep.

(excerpt, From the High Hills to the Bay, WF)

About rivertoprambles

Welcome to Rivertop Rambles. This is my blog about the headwaters country-far afield or close to home. I've been a fly-fisher, birder, and naturalist for most of my adult life. I've also written poetry and natural history books for thirty years. In Rambles I will mostly reflect on the backcountry of my Allegheny foothills in the northern tier of Pennsylvania and the southern tier of New York State. Sometimes I'll write about the wilderness in distant states, or of the wild places in the human soul. Other times I'll just reflect on the domestic life outdoors. In any case, I hope you enjoy. Let's ramble!
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10 Responses to Toward the Long Sleep

  1. Anonymous says:

    JZ says great pictures Walt. I too myself have been fishing a lot lately. Finding deep wildernesses areas in remote surroundings. By reaching back, hiking further seen, solitude and breathing-in become one. Sifting through them bright colored jewels remind me of why effort counts. It counts for everything we put forward and do. Just not in fishing, but in life. The world is in chaos, spiraling without direction or course. Finding good in simple tasks and being thankful for the graces we enjoy here at home should never be forgotten. Some think we fish just to catch fish Walt. That truth is only the half of it. Thank God, family & country. Keep it simple! Semper Fi

    • Thanks JZ! Yes, reaching back, making an effort, finding a simple solution, a correction for the spiraling chaotic world, if only for our peace of mind while keeping things close to the heart.

  2. Hi. Have you ever had encounters with bears?

  3. plaidcamper says:

    Here’s hoping the well fed bear gets an uninterrupted slumber (and the town crew aren’t hunters!) Sounds like you’re getting yourself properly winterized, if that’s a word, and sipping a Northwoods Pale at the end of a chilled day seems pretty good to me.
    Cheers and here’s to good health, an active winter, and maybe emerging into a new spring where the world is a slightly happier place – ever the optimist…
    Oh, and love that pup – shades of Scout there – and your trail cam images. Great stuff, Walt!

    • Thanks much, Adam! Yes, the presence of that pup on our grounds reminded me of Scout right off the bat. He was frisky, inquisitive & very well-trained already. He (Rocky) was offered to me, and I would have given him a permanent home, but we can’t have doggies anymore. Anyway, always appreciate your comments & reflections here. All the best for the weekend.

  4. Brent says:

    That’s fun news about the barn roof (and unknown to me until now!). I’ll see it in a month or so, along with the bear den.

    More to your overall theme, though: This feels like a weighty piece, but the bears bedding down (and old ramblers reflecting on their own place in the world) know that spring will arrive, even if the woodcocks return to a slightly changed landscape.

    • Yup, and now the bear story is evolving. Bear has been seen at the den; a shady bunch of “tourists” are stopping by to watch, but we’ve got the landowners out there now to ensure that the bear will not be molested (protective measures). It’s nice to have a bear sleeping next door!

  5. loydtruss says:

    I’m glad to know you and the wildlife are still moving around before the big snowbound winter ahead for you guys—by the way, I sometimes feel like the bear wishing I could skip the winter months. Thanks for sharing

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